Protect Protect Protect
1. Watch the clock. Stay out of the sun between 10am and 2pm to avoid the worst UV rays. You do need a daily dose of Vitamin D to keep your body functioning normally, so have your cuppa in the morning sun for 10 minutes or take your daily constitutional walk in the late afternoon.
2. Wear a good quality SPF 30+ sunscreen. Mechanical ones with zinc are recommended. Remember to reapply every couple of hours especially if you are out in the midday sun or swimming or sweating it off.
3. Protect your skin with loose shirts and a a hat. Slip Slop Slap is still the best mantra for us Queenslanders.
4. Don’t get too many sunburns. None, if possible. The more you get, the more you increase your chances of melanoma. Be super careful with littlies’ skin. Teach your kids from an early age about sun protection. Model wearing a hat and insist they wear one. It has been shown that the worst damage is done under the age of 12.
5. Incorporate good skin care such as Creme Metamorphique or Super 3 with Vitamin A that reduces recurrence of pre-cancerous lesions. Use a water resistant foundation with SPF such as Lycogel or Oxygenetics. The bonus is the strong anti-aging aspect. Vitamin A also increases your collagen.
6. Do self checks and keep an eye on family members’ skin. Look out for ‘ugly ducklings ‘ or changes to any lesion.
7. Get a professional full skin check annually, by a Masters in Skin Cancer Medicine. Melanoma is deadly if it is able to take hold, being one of the most lethal cancers, but if you can catch it early with a skin check, it is relatively easy to treat.
8. Call Revive for your full skin check with qualified Skin Cancer doctors 38015824