Nigel and I had the pleasure of attending the World Experts Meeting in Barcelona on these remarkable threads. For a subtle facelift, virtually no downtime and no surgery this is a great procedure.
Basically, threads with cones made of absorbable polylactic acid are introduced under the skin via a small hole and a needle. They are set in place with the cones and then anchored. So you see an immediate, subtle lift because the cones are repositioning the fat pads under the skin. These fat pads unfortunately head south as we age. So lifting them back up gives a more youthful natural appearance. Personally, I have had one in my jawline and my cheek. I was getting lines on my cheek and jowling. These have disappeared. The polylactic acid stimulates collagen renewal so after a couple of months even your skin looks better. The best part to me is no surgery. So you never look overdone and you look like you, just fresher.
Nigel performs the procedure. It requires a little bit of numbing at the entry site and is usually done in half an hour. Prices start at $1500.