Clinical Skin Clear
To have smooth and clear skin for Summer, remove your barnacles now in time for Christmas Day. Barnacles are benign lesions such as skin tags, milia, angiomas, age spots etc. $250 for 15 minutes of Clinical Skin Clear treatment, where, usually, several can be removed. You need to make sure that you have had your skin checked first and come in 30 minutes before your appointment time for numbing. This can be done at our clinic, just ask for a spot check with the doctor.

Remove benign skin lesions
Cutera Excel V plus laser
Leg and facial vein treatments- you need a free consultation to appraise your needs first. legs. Treatments are $500 for 15 minute session. Face is from $300 depending on extent of redness

Laser Genesis for treating redness and rejuvenation

Treat leg and facial veins
Our triple treat facial is superb to give your skin a boost. Comprises of a peel or enzyme, microdermabrasion and radio-frequency treatment which increases blood flow and lymphatic drainage while rejuvenating the skin. Christmas special $179
Microdermabrasion facial
Microdermabrasion plus radio-frequency treatment which increases blood flow and lymphatic drainage while tightening the skin. This gives a lovely rejuvenation. Christmas special $159
Hifu facial
Includes top or lower half of face of HIFU and amazing focussed ultrasonic treatment for tightening saggy skin. Christmas special $350.

High intensity focussed ultrasound for skin tightening
Call for your free skin assessment and treatment 38015824
Ts and Cs apply. Not everyone’s skin is suitable for all treatment types. An analysis at your consultation will help guide you in your choice of treatment for your skin needs